Monday, November 8, 2021

8 Types of Expenses Incurred When Renting an Office

8 Types of Expenses Incurred When Renting an Office -

When renting an office, except for the office rent to pay for the building, there are many other costs (expenses incurred). These costs are payable to operate the office. Besides, it also greatly affects the total cost in the end.

8 types of expenses incurred when renting an office

8 types of expenses incurred when renting an office
1. Service fee

It is the cost that the lessee pays to the management department of the building to maintain the services and utilities, including reception services, security, public area cleaning, domestic water utilities. WC area, corridor lighting, and air conditioning system, elevator system, insect control, tree care…

The normal service fee does not include electricity, parking, and motorbike.

Service fees range from $2 to $8, at Grade B offices the service fee will be from $4 or more, Grade A offices from $6 or more.

2. VAT

VAT is charged at 10% of the total office rental cost.

3. Electricity bill to use the air conditioner

In Grade A and Grade B office buildings, the service fee usually includes electricity for using air conditioners. Class C office buildings do not, or service charges under $4 do not include air conditioning fees.

Actual statistics at buildings do not include electricity and air conditioning, the average electricity bill is 1-1.5 USD/m2/month. The cost incurred may vary depending on the time of use, the type of machine, and the new age of the air conditioner.

4. Electricity consumption in the office

Each company will be provided with a separate electricity meter, the electricity bill will be calculated according to the amount of electricity the business has used in the month. Normally, this fee will be calculated according to the business electricity price of the state.

In case no separate electricity meter is used, the used electricity will be calculated in 2 ways:

Calculating according to the rented area, the formula is: (Total electricity consumption of the whole building/ Total usable area) * Rented area.

Calculated by equipment, the formula is (Total electricity consumed by the whole building/ Total equipment used) * Equipment used in the office.

5. Parking rental fee by month (expenses incurred)

5. Parking rental fee by month (expenses incurred)

This cost will be paid by the tenant to the car custodian. Guests can rent parking spaces inside the building or outside (adjacent parking lots).

The cost of motorbike parking in the central area will range from $8-15/vehicle/month, in remote areas from $5-8/car/month.

The cost of car parking in the central area is from 150$-250$/car/month, in remote areas from 60-150$/car/month.

In addition, in some buildings, there will be a free parking policy depending on the rental area, but most are not. Tenants need to negotiate when signing the contract.

6. Overtime (OT) fee

This is the amount tenants have to pay for the building if they work after office hours (8 am – 6 pm). Depending on the building, each fee can be different, or free.

This cost is used to pay for elevator electricity, public area electricity bill, WC water bill, overtime salary of operator… after office hours. Especially when working overtime, if the central air conditioner is not used, there is a collection building, there is a building that does not charge a fee, or the fee when using it will be different from the fee when not in use.

There are 3 ways to charge overtime:

By office: For example 200,000 VND/office/hour.

Calculation by rental area: Example 0.02 USD/m2/hour * Rented area.

Calculate by device: For example 0.02 USD/machine/hour.

In addition, businesses can negotiate overtime costs. Or businesses can install more local air conditioners, fans instead of central systems to reduce overtime costs.

7. Service fee during interior construction

Interior construction time lasts from 1 week to 1 month on average. During this time, the building can usually waive the office rent, but not the service and electricity bills.

However, the service fee during the interior construction period is a cost that only needs to be paid once during the rental period.

8. Ground return fee

This cost is used to pay for demolition and cleaning of all partitions, interior decoration items that have been built and installed to hand over the original ground (concrete floor or brick floor depending on the design of the customer) upon the termination of the contract. This cost will be borne by the tenant.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Procedures to Note When Moving Office

Procedures to Note When Moving Office -

At work, there will be many times when you need to move your office to a new address. So what are the procedures to keep in mind when moving office?

When do you need to move office?

When do you need to move office?

Currently, the demand for office relocation and transportation is increasing. This comes from the actual needs of business units. Office relocation can be due to many reasons, for example:

You need a clear and specific office relocation plan

  • Moving to a new location is better, more suitable in many factors
  • Grow your business
  • Change the way of doing business
  • Create a new, more efficient working environment

Procedures to note when moving office

Procedures to note when moving office

Below, we would like to advise on the procedures to keep in mind when moving offices to help relocation units work most conveniently.

Completing the legal basis for office relocation

This is the first procedure that businesses need to perform. Doing this is extremely important, ensuring the correct implementation of the law, avoiding unwanted troubles that may occur later. This includes two steps as follows:

Tax confirmation at the tax office where the office is located
Submit the application for office relocation at the business registration office where the new office is located

Notify partners and related units about the change of your company’s office address

When moving offices, you should notify the relevant units about this

The announcement so that all units can know to perform the work accurately and efficiently in the future. You can make this announcement by email, mail or call, message, etc. Depending on the object, use the appropriate method, ensuring politeness.

Develop a transportation plan

The procedures to note when moving office are indispensable planning. This will help you plan and implement it quickly, expeditiously, without affecting the daily activities in the office. The current trend that is often used is to look for package office transportation services because of the following advantages:

Save time, money, and effort
Protect your belongings and documents in the best way
Safe to transport

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Full-service Office and Benefits

Full-service Office and Benefits -

The following will explain what a full-service office rental model is and the benefits when you rent it.

What is a full-service office?

What is a full-service office?
A full-service office or a convenient office is a type of service that simultaneously leases both office space and all ancillary services so that businesses can use it directly. Along with that, your unit also owns a private office. Full-service office services include:

  • Office equipment such as tables, chairs, air conditioners, toiletries, photocopiers, scanners…
  • Reception service, reception.
  • The utilities of office interior design, office management, or other necessary utility services.
  • Allowed to use the address to register a business without having to pay the cost of renting a virtual office

The benefits that a full-service office brings

The full-service office brings a lot of benefits to businesses and companies when choosing it to replace the traditional office type. Specifically:

Professionalism, high specificity

When using a full-service office, the first thing is that you will immediately have a workspace without having to wait for time to install or transport equipment, this helps us to be very proactive about the time side.
In addition, the ancillary equipment available in the room such as TV, VCR, desk phone… also helps you and your staff easily catch up with the work in the fastest way, ensuring the work progress.

Start-up cost savings

The first stage in a business is one of the most capital intensive. When you rent an office, in addition to weighing the associated costs, you also have to buy the accompanying equipment. This will be a small expense, especially for startups.
Instead, if you rent a full-service office, you will be provided with all the necessary equipment and supplies as well as without having to worry about other miscellaneous fees. This will save you from having a headache to divide the costs accordingly but will use all your energy to develop your business.
In addition, another cost that you can save is the cost of personnel. You will not need to care about the reception team, repair equipment, provide services … but just invest directly in the core parts to grow your business.

Perfect accompanying services.

Using a full-service office service, you will be using very professional courier services. Moreover, in these offices, the internet connection speed is very fast along with the air conditioning system that always works if there are still people working. Any repair, maintenance of machines, or the internet has a professional team to intervene immediately, and of course, you will not need to pay any extra costs.

Which units should use a full-service office?

Which units should use a full-service office?
The full-service office is one of the great types of office services because it provides maximum support for businesses in terms of location, services, and equipment to work. Along with that, it also helps business owners save a lot of investment costs for an office.
However, this type of office service only creates the greatest utility for small and medium businesses or start-up groups that need space for transactions.
For larger businesses, the full-service office form will reveal some minus points, that is, there is not enough space for employees to work, there is no separate room for leaders… The common use equipment or meeting rooms will also cause some minor inconvenience. Therefore, for large enterprises, this form of office leasing is only used when the enterprise wishes to expand its operational area to other localities.
Therefore, depending on the purpose and size of the business, leaders will make choices about whether to rent a full-service office, a shared office, or use a traditional office for rent to gain the greatest benefits.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Guidelines for Prevention of Covid-19 at the Office

Guidelines for Prevention of Covid-19 at the Office -

Here are some guidelines to prevent the Covid-19 epidemic at the office and workplace that employees need to know before going back to work.



1. Scope

The workplace specified in this guide includes offices and offices.

2. Subjects of application

– Officials, civil servants, public employees, employees.

– Visitors to visit and work.

– Managers and employers.



1. Responsibilities of cadres, civil servants, public employees, and employees

– Do not go to the office while in isolation at home or have symptoms of fever, cough, difficulty breathing.

– Wear a mask when going to the office and when leaving.

– Wash your hands often with soap or hand sanitizer.

– Limit gatherings of people, keep appropriate contact distance outside the office.

– Do not spit or spit; littering, face masks indiscriminately; Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing.

– Check body temperature daily, promptly notify the medical facility if there are symptoms of fever, cough, difficulty breathing.

– Install and turn on the tracing application, the medical declaration application if using a smart mobile device.

– Comply with personal preventive measures and COVID-19 prevention and control instructions at the office.


2. Responsibilities of visiting and working guests

– Do not come to the office if you are in quarantine at home or have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing.

– Wear a mask during visiting and working.

– Wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer before arriving and after leaving.

– Practice appropriate social distancing when visiting and working.

– Do not spit or spit; littering, face masks indiscriminately; Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing.

– Install and turn on the tracing application, the medical declaration application if using a smart mobile device.

– Implement measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic and make medical declarations at the request of the head office.


3. Responsibilities of managers and employers when preventing Covid-19

3. Responsibilities of managers and employers when preventing Covid-19

– Organize temperature measurement for officials, civil servants, public employees, workers, and visitors to visit and work before entering the office.

– Make medical declaration for visitors and work if necessary and cases of people showing symptoms of cough, fever, difficulty breathing.

– Make appropriate seating arrangements.

– Promote online meetings, limit unnecessary meetings.

– Develop a specific plan to implement online and home-based work depending on the situation and developments of the epidemic.

– Cleaning and disinfecting with disinfectant chemicals or ordinary detergents for tables and chairs, door handles, elevator buttons, objects, floors, working rooms, meeting rooms, restrooms.. at least 2 times/day or as needed.

– Arrange enough hand sanitizer solution at a convenient location for users, soap in restrooms.

– Arrange separate meals for officials, civil servants, public employees, and employees; ensure appropriate distance when using the communal dining room.

– Arrange enough garbage and waste containers with tight lids, put them in convenient locations, and carry out daily collection and treatment.

– It is strictly forbidden to spit and spit; Dispose of garbage and masks indiscriminately.

– Coordinate with health authorities and local authorities to implement COVID-19 prevention and control activities.

– Organize propaganda and dissemination of measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic for cadres, civil servants, public employees, and employees.

– Organize the inspection, supervision, and urge the ministries, civil servants, public employees, and employees to take personal preventive measures and preventive measures at the head office.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News



Not only providing better services, working and headquartered in professional office buildings for rent also brings other practical benefits:

office buildings brand image

office buildings brand image
Every year, businesses in one way or another spend on advertising, PR, charity, customer conferences, etc., to develop the business’s brand, to make customers and partners trust more into the business. It is clear that having headquarters in a professional office building will make a significant contribution to enhancing the brand’s reputation, that a unit operating transparently and with sufficient development potential will not hesitate to locate in a prominent location, easy to find and fully legal. This is seen as an investment in the brand.

Improve work efficiency

The arrangement of offices with many employees and departments on the same premises will help to improve employee management performance, and the interaction between leaders and employees and employees with employees will be quick and effective. noticeably more. With modern and professionally invested facilities, it will help employees feel fully cared about in terms of life, thereby increasing engagement as well as work performance.

Easy expense management

The costs of security, cleaning, other services, electricity, air conditioning, internet, etc… are collectively referred to as operating costs. If you rent the premises and operate it yourself, it will take a lot of time and effort to manage these activities and costs, but it is still difficult to control so as not to cause unnecessary costs worth having. Managing these costs will become much simpler when businesses find a professional supplier in office buildings.

Good security in office buildings

Good security in office buildings
Ensuring the safety of documents and assets of businesses and individuals is better because security is ensured with a 2-round security system: round 1 from entering the building by operations such as a ladder card. machine, building card, cargo inspection, schedule; Round 2 is the security requirements of each office, such as door lock, magnetic card, fingerprint, check-in reception, etc. Almost security problems such as theft, harassment, causing public disorder are very rare in office buildings.

Peace of mind about legal

The tenant’s interests under the Office Lease Contract are guaranteed and complied with following the general regulations of the lessor which are large enterprises, operating transparently. With the contract being responsible by a legal entity, it will not be subject to arbitrary changes from one side such as the type of apartment rental, private house, personal name.

In addition, business registration for new enterprises also becomes easy, convenient, and legal with the conditions on fire prevention and fighting, the exit system has been censored and licensed to serve the operation of the court’s standard home office.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News