Monday, November 8, 2021

8 Types of Expenses Incurred When Renting an Office

8 Types of Expenses Incurred When Renting an Office -

When renting an office, except for the office rent to pay for the building, there are many other costs (expenses incurred). These costs are payable to operate the office. Besides, it also greatly affects the total cost in the end.

8 types of expenses incurred when renting an office

8 types of expenses incurred when renting an office
1. Service fee

It is the cost that the lessee pays to the management department of the building to maintain the services and utilities, including reception services, security, public area cleaning, domestic water utilities. WC area, corridor lighting, and air conditioning system, elevator system, insect control, tree care…

The normal service fee does not include electricity, parking, and motorbike.

Service fees range from $2 to $8, at Grade B offices the service fee will be from $4 or more, Grade A offices from $6 or more.

2. VAT

VAT is charged at 10% of the total office rental cost.

3. Electricity bill to use the air conditioner

In Grade A and Grade B office buildings, the service fee usually includes electricity for using air conditioners. Class C office buildings do not, or service charges under $4 do not include air conditioning fees.

Actual statistics at buildings do not include electricity and air conditioning, the average electricity bill is 1-1.5 USD/m2/month. The cost incurred may vary depending on the time of use, the type of machine, and the new age of the air conditioner.

4. Electricity consumption in the office

Each company will be provided with a separate electricity meter, the electricity bill will be calculated according to the amount of electricity the business has used in the month. Normally, this fee will be calculated according to the business electricity price of the state.

In case no separate electricity meter is used, the used electricity will be calculated in 2 ways:

Calculating according to the rented area, the formula is: (Total electricity consumption of the whole building/ Total usable area) * Rented area.

Calculated by equipment, the formula is (Total electricity consumed by the whole building/ Total equipment used) * Equipment used in the office.

5. Parking rental fee by month (expenses incurred)

5. Parking rental fee by month (expenses incurred)

This cost will be paid by the tenant to the car custodian. Guests can rent parking spaces inside the building or outside (adjacent parking lots).

The cost of motorbike parking in the central area will range from $8-15/vehicle/month, in remote areas from $5-8/car/month.

The cost of car parking in the central area is from 150$-250$/car/month, in remote areas from 60-150$/car/month.

In addition, in some buildings, there will be a free parking policy depending on the rental area, but most are not. Tenants need to negotiate when signing the contract.

6. Overtime (OT) fee

This is the amount tenants have to pay for the building if they work after office hours (8 am – 6 pm). Depending on the building, each fee can be different, or free.

This cost is used to pay for elevator electricity, public area electricity bill, WC water bill, overtime salary of operator… after office hours. Especially when working overtime, if the central air conditioner is not used, there is a collection building, there is a building that does not charge a fee, or the fee when using it will be different from the fee when not in use.

There are 3 ways to charge overtime:

By office: For example 200,000 VND/office/hour.

Calculation by rental area: Example 0.02 USD/m2/hour * Rented area.

Calculate by device: For example 0.02 USD/machine/hour.

In addition, businesses can negotiate overtime costs. Or businesses can install more local air conditioners, fans instead of central systems to reduce overtime costs.

7. Service fee during interior construction

Interior construction time lasts from 1 week to 1 month on average. During this time, the building can usually waive the office rent, but not the service and electricity bills.

However, the service fee during the interior construction period is a cost that only needs to be paid once during the rental period.

8. Ground return fee

This cost is used to pay for demolition and cleaning of all partitions, interior decoration items that have been built and installed to hand over the original ground (concrete floor or brick floor depending on the design of the customer) upon the termination of the contract. This cost will be borne by the tenant.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Procedures to Note When Moving Office

Procedures to Note When Moving Office -

At work, there will be many times when you need to move your office to a new address. So what are the procedures to keep in mind when moving office?

When do you need to move office?

When do you need to move office?

Currently, the demand for office relocation and transportation is increasing. This comes from the actual needs of business units. Office relocation can be due to many reasons, for example:

You need a clear and specific office relocation plan

  • Moving to a new location is better, more suitable in many factors
  • Grow your business
  • Change the way of doing business
  • Create a new, more efficient working environment

Procedures to note when moving office

Procedures to note when moving office

Below, we would like to advise on the procedures to keep in mind when moving offices to help relocation units work most conveniently.

Completing the legal basis for office relocation

This is the first procedure that businesses need to perform. Doing this is extremely important, ensuring the correct implementation of the law, avoiding unwanted troubles that may occur later. This includes two steps as follows:

Tax confirmation at the tax office where the office is located
Submit the application for office relocation at the business registration office where the new office is located

Notify partners and related units about the change of your company’s office address

When moving offices, you should notify the relevant units about this

The announcement so that all units can know to perform the work accurately and efficiently in the future. You can make this announcement by email, mail or call, message, etc. Depending on the object, use the appropriate method, ensuring politeness.

Develop a transportation plan

The procedures to note when moving office are indispensable planning. This will help you plan and implement it quickly, expeditiously, without affecting the daily activities in the office. The current trend that is often used is to look for package office transportation services because of the following advantages:

Save time, money, and effort
Protect your belongings and documents in the best way
Safe to transport

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Full-service Office and Benefits

Full-service Office and Benefits -

The following will explain what a full-service office rental model is and the benefits when you rent it.

What is a full-service office?

What is a full-service office?
A full-service office or a convenient office is a type of service that simultaneously leases both office space and all ancillary services so that businesses can use it directly. Along with that, your unit also owns a private office. Full-service office services include:

  • Office equipment such as tables, chairs, air conditioners, toiletries, photocopiers, scanners…
  • Reception service, reception.
  • The utilities of office interior design, office management, or other necessary utility services.
  • Allowed to use the address to register a business without having to pay the cost of renting a virtual office

The benefits that a full-service office brings

The full-service office brings a lot of benefits to businesses and companies when choosing it to replace the traditional office type. Specifically:

Professionalism, high specificity

When using a full-service office, the first thing is that you will immediately have a workspace without having to wait for time to install or transport equipment, this helps us to be very proactive about the time side.
In addition, the ancillary equipment available in the room such as TV, VCR, desk phone… also helps you and your staff easily catch up with the work in the fastest way, ensuring the work progress.

Start-up cost savings

The first stage in a business is one of the most capital intensive. When you rent an office, in addition to weighing the associated costs, you also have to buy the accompanying equipment. This will be a small expense, especially for startups.
Instead, if you rent a full-service office, you will be provided with all the necessary equipment and supplies as well as without having to worry about other miscellaneous fees. This will save you from having a headache to divide the costs accordingly but will use all your energy to develop your business.
In addition, another cost that you can save is the cost of personnel. You will not need to care about the reception team, repair equipment, provide services … but just invest directly in the core parts to grow your business.

Perfect accompanying services.

Using a full-service office service, you will be using very professional courier services. Moreover, in these offices, the internet connection speed is very fast along with the air conditioning system that always works if there are still people working. Any repair, maintenance of machines, or the internet has a professional team to intervene immediately, and of course, you will not need to pay any extra costs.

Which units should use a full-service office?

Which units should use a full-service office?
The full-service office is one of the great types of office services because it provides maximum support for businesses in terms of location, services, and equipment to work. Along with that, it also helps business owners save a lot of investment costs for an office.
However, this type of office service only creates the greatest utility for small and medium businesses or start-up groups that need space for transactions.
For larger businesses, the full-service office form will reveal some minus points, that is, there is not enough space for employees to work, there is no separate room for leaders… The common use equipment or meeting rooms will also cause some minor inconvenience. Therefore, for large enterprises, this form of office leasing is only used when the enterprise wishes to expand its operational area to other localities.
Therefore, depending on the purpose and size of the business, leaders will make choices about whether to rent a full-service office, a shared office, or use a traditional office for rent to gain the greatest benefits.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Guidelines for Prevention of Covid-19 at the Office

Guidelines for Prevention of Covid-19 at the Office -

Here are some guidelines to prevent the Covid-19 epidemic at the office and workplace that employees need to know before going back to work.



1. Scope

The workplace specified in this guide includes offices and offices.

2. Subjects of application

– Officials, civil servants, public employees, employees.

– Visitors to visit and work.

– Managers and employers.



1. Responsibilities of cadres, civil servants, public employees, and employees

– Do not go to the office while in isolation at home or have symptoms of fever, cough, difficulty breathing.

– Wear a mask when going to the office and when leaving.

– Wash your hands often with soap or hand sanitizer.

– Limit gatherings of people, keep appropriate contact distance outside the office.

– Do not spit or spit; littering, face masks indiscriminately; Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing.

– Check body temperature daily, promptly notify the medical facility if there are symptoms of fever, cough, difficulty breathing.

– Install and turn on the tracing application, the medical declaration application if using a smart mobile device.

– Comply with personal preventive measures and COVID-19 prevention and control instructions at the office.


2. Responsibilities of visiting and working guests

– Do not come to the office if you are in quarantine at home or have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing.

– Wear a mask during visiting and working.

– Wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer before arriving and after leaving.

– Practice appropriate social distancing when visiting and working.

– Do not spit or spit; littering, face masks indiscriminately; Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing.

– Install and turn on the tracing application, the medical declaration application if using a smart mobile device.

– Implement measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic and make medical declarations at the request of the head office.


3. Responsibilities of managers and employers when preventing Covid-19

3. Responsibilities of managers and employers when preventing Covid-19

– Organize temperature measurement for officials, civil servants, public employees, workers, and visitors to visit and work before entering the office.

– Make medical declaration for visitors and work if necessary and cases of people showing symptoms of cough, fever, difficulty breathing.

– Make appropriate seating arrangements.

– Promote online meetings, limit unnecessary meetings.

– Develop a specific plan to implement online and home-based work depending on the situation and developments of the epidemic.

– Cleaning and disinfecting with disinfectant chemicals or ordinary detergents for tables and chairs, door handles, elevator buttons, objects, floors, working rooms, meeting rooms, restrooms.. at least 2 times/day or as needed.

– Arrange enough hand sanitizer solution at a convenient location for users, soap in restrooms.

– Arrange separate meals for officials, civil servants, public employees, and employees; ensure appropriate distance when using the communal dining room.

– Arrange enough garbage and waste containers with tight lids, put them in convenient locations, and carry out daily collection and treatment.

– It is strictly forbidden to spit and spit; Dispose of garbage and masks indiscriminately.

– Coordinate with health authorities and local authorities to implement COVID-19 prevention and control activities.

– Organize propaganda and dissemination of measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic for cadres, civil servants, public employees, and employees.

– Organize the inspection, supervision, and urge the ministries, civil servants, public employees, and employees to take personal preventive measures and preventive measures at the head office.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News



Not only providing better services, working and headquartered in professional office buildings for rent also brings other practical benefits:

office buildings brand image

office buildings brand image
Every year, businesses in one way or another spend on advertising, PR, charity, customer conferences, etc., to develop the business’s brand, to make customers and partners trust more into the business. It is clear that having headquarters in a professional office building will make a significant contribution to enhancing the brand’s reputation, that a unit operating transparently and with sufficient development potential will not hesitate to locate in a prominent location, easy to find and fully legal. This is seen as an investment in the brand.

Improve work efficiency

The arrangement of offices with many employees and departments on the same premises will help to improve employee management performance, and the interaction between leaders and employees and employees with employees will be quick and effective. noticeably more. With modern and professionally invested facilities, it will help employees feel fully cared about in terms of life, thereby increasing engagement as well as work performance.

Easy expense management

The costs of security, cleaning, other services, electricity, air conditioning, internet, etc… are collectively referred to as operating costs. If you rent the premises and operate it yourself, it will take a lot of time and effort to manage these activities and costs, but it is still difficult to control so as not to cause unnecessary costs worth having. Managing these costs will become much simpler when businesses find a professional supplier in office buildings.

Good security in office buildings

Good security in office buildings
Ensuring the safety of documents and assets of businesses and individuals is better because security is ensured with a 2-round security system: round 1 from entering the building by operations such as a ladder card. machine, building card, cargo inspection, schedule; Round 2 is the security requirements of each office, such as door lock, magnetic card, fingerprint, check-in reception, etc. Almost security problems such as theft, harassment, causing public disorder are very rare in office buildings.

Peace of mind about legal

The tenant’s interests under the Office Lease Contract are guaranteed and complied with following the general regulations of the lessor which are large enterprises, operating transparently. With the contract being responsible by a legal entity, it will not be subject to arbitrary changes from one side such as the type of apartment rental, private house, personal name.

In addition, business registration for new enterprises also becomes easy, convenient, and legal with the conditions on fire prevention and fighting, the exit system has been censored and licensed to serve the operation of the court’s standard home office.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Investment Certificate of the Building Owner When Renting Offices

Investment Certificate of the Building Owner When Renting Offices -

Does renting an office need an investment certificate from the building owner? Here are the answers for you when you need to know.

Investment certificate

Investment certificate
According to Clause 1, Article 33 of the Law on Enterprises on registration of branch and representative office operations, the notice of the establishment of a business location is as follows:

“Dossier for registration of branch or representative office operation: When registering branch or representative office operation, an enterprise must send a Notice of establishment of a branch or representative office to the Business Registration Office where it is located, branches, representative offices. Contents of the Notice include a) Enterprise code; b) Name and address of the head office of the enterprise; c) Name of the branch or representative office to be established; d) Address of the branch or representative office; dd) Contents and scope of operation of the branch or representative office; e) Tax registration information; g) Full name; place of residence, number of the people’s identity card or passport or other lawful personal identification as prescribed in Article 10 of this Decree of the head of the branch or representative office; h) Full name and signature of the legal representative of the enterprise”.

Enclosed with the notice specified in this Clause, there must be:

Decision and valid copy of meeting minutes of the Members’ Council, for limited liability companies with two or more members, of the company owner.

of the company or the Board of Members of the President of the company, in the case of a one-member limited liability company, of the Board of Directors, in the case of a joint-stock company, of general partners, in the case of a partnership, on the establishment of a partnership. setting up branches and representative offices;

A valid copy of the decision to appoint the head of the representative office branch;

A valid copy of one of the personal identification papers specified in Article 10 of this Decree of the head of the branch or representative office.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Monday, October 18, 2021

3 Trends Of The Office For Rent Market During Covid-19

3 Trends Of The Office For Rent Market During Covid-19 -

When Covid-19 happens, Space changes, businesses reduce density, focus more on increasing the area of ​​interaction between employees due to more and more remote working. Here are 3 trends of the office rental market during the Covid-19 epidemic.

Grade A rents keep stable or decrease slightly During Covid-19

Grade A rents keep stable or decrease slightly During Covid-19

In Europe, when Covid-19 happens, most markets maintain stable office rents with a change of only about 2% a year. Some places recorded a decrease in rents such as Dublin (Ireland) down 12%, Cologne (Germany) down 8%, and Barcelona (Spain) down 4%.

In other cities such as Hamburg, Berlin, and Munich, high-end office rents recorded modest increases. Secondary rent here is forecasted to remain stable in the short term but will adjust if the landlord does not fully meet the needs of guests. In the future, rents are forecast to stabilize or decrease slightly by only about 1% before the blockade orders in a few major cities. In the short term, incentives for tenants will still be popular.
In Shanghai, most businesses have returned to normal. Developers are working hard to increase value for guests. When the supply is released more but the demand is not much, the rent and occupancy rate in Shanghai will tend to decrease. Currently, the percentage of landlords willing to offer flexible rental terms in this market is only 40%. Some commercial projects have been delayed in completion due to delayed construction, so the pre-lease period has been extended to 12-15 months.
In Hanoi, Grade A office rents are assessed to be stable in the coming year. With Capital Place entering the market and bringing in more than 90,000 sqm of leasable area in the inner city, Grade A supply increased 24% YoY and average rent increased 7% in the first half of 2021. Office buildings with a large area will need a long time to be filled. Therefore, Grade A rents are expected to remain stable due to the limited number of high-end projects until 2023.

Stable or increasing demand in specific industries

Office demand in Europe has been recorded to be stable year-on-year and the market shows a shift in demand from the technology sector to the manufacturing and pharmaceutical sectors. Last year, the rental demand of technology enterprises accounted for 21% of the total demand, but this proportion decreased to 14% in the first half of 2021. Meanwhile, the rental demand of manufacturing and pharmaceutical enterprises increased from 5 % in 2020 to 13% in 2021, of businesses in the real estate and construction industries also increased from 2% to 10% at the same time.

In Hanoi, in 2021, the information and communication technology, manufacturing, finance – banking – insurance industries are expected to grow. Rent is not a prerequisite that tenants care about in this market. Office leasing businesses now have more requirements for the location of their headquarters, the quality of building construction, the services provided, as well as the area that the building can meet for expansion needs in the future.

Office space changes when Covid-19 happens

Office space changes when Covid-19 happens

The rollout of vaccination programs in Europe allows most businesses to return to the office. Accordingly, many businesses have redesigned their office space, with the orientation of prioritizing safety and health factors. In addition, with a large number of employees wanting to work more flexibly, some companies have reduced the office space. Many other companies adopt a ‘hub and spoke’ model, combining a centrally located headquarters and flexible office spaces near residential areas. In general, most expect employees to be able to spend a certain amount of time working in the office so that they can ensure internal interactions, maintain corporate culture as well as meet customers.

In Hanoi, the trend of office use has seen many changes, businesses focus more on increasing the interaction area between employees and at the same time recalculating the actual working area.
Previously, most of the Grade B and C office buildings in both Hanoi had a fairly thick staff density. However, when employees work from home more, it is necessary to adjust the density to suit the actual user needs. A company with 100 employees will only need to arrange a workplace for 60-70 people and everyone can flexibly work from home or go to the office. With the remaining area, the company can integrate many other utilities and functions such as dining areas, resting areas for employees or even adding more meeting rooms. This is also one of the factors that make companies change more about working models.

In Shanghai, with demand at a stable level, most corporate tenants expect the lease terms to remain unchanged. Notably, some developers also provide temporary working areas for tenants and at the same time upgrade the operation management service of the building, focusing on investing in Proptech technology solutions, such as touch elevators or facial recognition security gates.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

How to Choose the Best Feng Shui Office for Rent

How to Choose the Best Feng Shui Office for Rent -

In business, the application of five elements, as well as feng shui, is considered one of the factors contributing to the success of “enterprises”.

1. The space around the office for feng shui

1. The space around the office for feng shui
When choosing a business office, you should choose the path in front of the curved or curvy shape that will help the business to meet many advantages and good luck.

According to feng shui, the curved shape of the road in front of the building, gently curving around the building, will bring great sand (very good) to the business office.

  • In addition, the road in front of the working building has the shape of “nine meanders”, that is, the road has a bendy shape that will create an abundant energy flow for the office.
  • The road bends like “as far as flowing water, horse like a dragon”, vehicles like flowing water, winding roads like dragons.
  • The winding line helps the flow of qi to the office stronger and better like a smooth and seamless flow of fortune.

Choosing to rent a business office in such locations will be very easy to do business and have good luck.

When choosing a building to rent as an office, you should choose buildings that are located in the heart of the curved road to help the house both accumulate assets and create safety for the employees working in the room.

Roads and traffic are important factors in choosing a store or business office. In addition to choosing a building on a curved, bow-shaped road, choosing the front building with the intersection between the two roads will also accumulate luck and fortune for the office.

One point to note is that buildings should not be chosen close to the road, because such a pattern will cause the company’s fortune line to be lost and lost.

2. Choose a floor that suits feng shui for the office

2. Choose a floor that suits feng shui for the office

Each floor has different Five Elements, which will naturally affect people with different Five Elements in the room. Therefore, in the same building, the different number of floors will have different effects on people working in the room.

When choosing a floor, if the five elements of the floor have the role of mutual support for the five elements in the user’s destiny, it is sand.

If the five elements of the mutual life layer are the main destiny, the main life support is sand engraved with the main destiny is hung. If the five elements of the main destiny are inscribed with the five elements of the floor, it is normal.
The number of floors according to feng shui:

  • Numbers 1 and 6 belong to Water (Floor 01, 06, 11, 16, 21, 26,…).
  • Numbers 2 and 7 belong to Fire (Floor 02, 07, 12, 17, 22, 27,…).
  • Numbers 3 and 8 belong to Tree (Floor 03, 08, 13, 18, 23, 28,…).
  • Numbers 4 and 9 belong to Metal (Floor 04, 09, 14, 19, 24, 29, …)
  • Numbers 5 and 10 belong to Earth (Floor 05, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, …)

If the number of floors is greater than 10, then calculate its odd number.

The number of floors also corresponds to the year of birth and the Five Elements, specifically as follows:

People born in the year of the Rat (ruling the rat), Ngu elements belong to Water, Metal alloy (4-9 floors), Thuy (1-6 floors), normal Fire (2-7 floors)

People born in the year of the Ox (governing the ox), the Five Elements belong to Tho, Hop Hoa (2nd-7th floor), Tho (5th-10th floor), ordinary Thuy (1-6th floor).

People born in the year of the Tiger (ruling the tiger), the Five Elements belong to Moc, the Water element (1-6 floors), Moc (3-8 floors), the ordinary Tho (5-10 floors).

People born in the year of the Rabbit (ruling the cat), the Five Elements belong to the Wood, the Water element (1-6 floors), the Moc (3-8 floors), the normal Tho (5-10 floors).

People born in the year of the Dragon (holding the dragon), the Five Elements belong to Tho, Hop Hoa (2nd – 7th floor), Tho (5th – 10th floor), ordinary Thuy (1st – 6th floor).

People born in the year of the Snake (with the sign of the snake), the Five Elements belong to Fire, the Wood element (3-8 floors), Fire (2-7 floors), normal Kim (4-9 floors).

People born in the year of the Horse (governing the horse), the Five Elements belong to Fire, the Wood element (3-8 floors), Fire (2-7 floors), normal Kim (4-9 floors).

People born in the year of the Goat (goat zodiac), the five elements belong to the Earth, the Fire element (2-7 floors), the Earth (5-10 floors), the normal Thuy (1-6 floors).

People born in the year of the Monkey (governing the monkey), the five elements belong to Kim, the Earth union (5-10 floors), Kim (4-9 floors), and the normal Moc (3-8 floors).

People born in the year of the Rooster (chicken), the Five Elements belong to Kim, the Earth element (5-10 floors), Kim (4-9 floors), the normal Moc (3-8 floors).

People born in the year of the Dog (governing the dog), the five elements belong to the Earth, the Fire element (2-7 floors), the Earth (5-10 floors), the normal Thuy (1-6 floors).

People born in the year of the Pig (considering the pig), the Five Elements belong to Water, Metal alloy (Floor 4-9), Water (Floor 1-6), Normal Fire (Floor 2-7).

3. Office feng shui direction: take the South direction, avoid the Northeast direction

3. Office feng shui direction: take the South direction, avoid the Northeast direction
For this, it is not always true, but since the current 8th Panyuan Dan uses the Northeast as the direction of the Right God, setting the direction is not necessarily giving up.

But if you look at the place where you buy and sell, you need to take advantage of Thien Ban, like if there is a prosperous star in the North East, Duong Vuong sets up a direction, what can’t be done? Similarly, in the south direction is the falling star, why set that direction.

However, it needs to be coordinated with the terrain. As for the weather, because the Northeast often has a cold wind in the winter, so Yin Qi is a bit much, and at the same time the Can is the Devil Gate, so even if this direction is set, it will be bad when the luck passes.

Particularly for the South direction, if you are inclined to the Southwest, you will get Tam Nguyen Unbeatable Department, if you are inclined to the Southeast, you will get Hoi Loc Chi Tai if you know how to use it, it can still be good. Switch to Yun 9 can still be used.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Monday, October 11, 2021

Ideal Places To Rent An Office In District 10

Ideal Places To Rent An Office In District 10 -

Office buildings for rent in District 10 have a convenient location, are fully equipped and designed for businesses. Let’s find out if we should rent an office and find out its advantages in the following article.

Advantages of cheap office for rent in District 10

Advantages of cheap office for rent in District 10
Location of the office

The area of ​​District 10 has always been focused on security, people are highly conscious and business activities take place actively. Around there, there are restaurants, cafes, convenience stores that can easily meet the daily needs of the staff working here.

District 10 has a convenient location to move to other districts. From there, it only takes us a short time to reach Tan Son Nhat airport. Most of the office buildings for rent here are located on major roads, and the scale and quality are highly appreciated. District 10 is bordered to the East by 3, to the South by District 5, to the Uncle by Tan Binh District. From the office building area in District 10, it is less than 2 km to District 3, only about 3 km to District 1.

This location is very convenient for employees to move to work, to meet partners or customers to transact.

In District 10, many overpasses have now been built, and the infrastructure has been greatly improved, so the traffic congestion here has been significantly reduced.

Cheap office for rent in District 10

For some businesses, choosing an office in addition to a convenient location and whether the building’s services are of good quality, the office rental price is also an important factor. Office for lease in District 10, although located in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City, near the city center, the rent is much lower than in District 1 and District 3.

Therefore, office building for rent there is a very reasonable choice for businesses who want to save costs but still ensure the quality and class when renting offices. The rental price of the office in District 1 will range from 20 USD to 40 USD/m2 while in district 10 it will only range from 8 USD/m2. Some offices when renting you will be free when working overtime.

Introducing outstanding rental buildings in District 10

Introducing outstanding rental buildings in District 10

Viettel Complex Tower

Viettel Complex Tower is an office for lease located in the heart of District 10 ( Ho Chi Minh ) on the busy business road connecting the downtown of the western districts. This is adjacent to the central district, located near the administrative, business, and commercial areas, many transportation networks connect the inner city districts conveniently, from this location only takes 5 minutes to circulate to District 1.

Luxurious design with high-speed elevator, central air-conditioning system, CCTV, fire alarm system, and automatic fire fighting standards, with a power system with 100% power for 24 consecutive hours. , automatic generator, with built-in telephone and internet line, receptionist and professional security team is supported throughout the working time.

  • Prime location, convenient traffic
  • Airy view, spacious and cool
  • Modern, comfortable design

Nasa Building

Nasa Building

Nasa Building is an office for lease in District 10 – Ho Chi Minh, Nasa Building is located at Ly Thuong Kiet Street. The building near the stadium, bank, gymnasiums, hospitals, universities, restaurants…

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Summary of Necessary Equipment for the Office

Summary of Necessary Equipment for the Office -

Office equipment plays a huge part in keeping a business running. An office with all the necessary equipment will make work easier, smoother, and more productive.

What is office equipment?

What is office equipment?
Office equipment is the necessary items, used every day to serve the activities and work in the office. Equipment is machines: printers, photocopiers, laminators, cash registers, paper, pens, desks, chairs, etc… So what role do these office equipment play in business? business of an enterprise.

What is the role of office equipment?

Office equipment plays a very important role in maintaining business operations, ensuring the work performance of members of the company. The office, no matter how big or small needs to be fully equipped. From the smallest items to complex mechanical items. In particular, in offices that are in the process of being completed, modern office equipment is even more necessary.


  • Helps maintain, operate, and manage work and office documents easier and more accurately
  • Save working time but also bring higher work efficiency
  • Better work support such as reporting, summarizing, presenting, etc
  • Create the most professional, modern, and productive working environment

Although the office equipment is just very simple items such as paper, pens, clips, pins, etc… it is very useful to serve the needs of the members of the company.

For offices with many members, it is necessary to uphold the criteria for using safe and economical office equipment. From there, it will both increase work efficiency and help the company grow. When making a list of office equipment, it is necessary to have the approval of the company or organization to ensure a balance between the return options and the investment costs.

Office equipment will include stationery and office supplies.

What are stationery items included?

Office paper

Paper plays a very important role in the activities of the company. Even modern machinery, technology, and equipment cannot be replaced.

For offices, A4 paper is mainly used. Important office papers include photocopies of documents, contracts, records, forms, official dispatches, meeting documents, statistics, etc.
Besides, papers such as invoices, receipts, payments, delivery notes, etc… are also included in official papers. These are legal documents, containing full information on the transaction and purchase process. This is to ensure the interests of either party when necessary.

In addition, the office also needs to prepare Notepaper. This type of paper serves to take notes and record important issues of all employees in the office.

For construction and architectural offices that need construction drawings and blueprints, large paper sizes such as A3 should be preferred.

Office pen

Pens are one of the essential stationery items. Regardless of the office environment, the pen is still used a lot. Types of pens for office use can include ink pens, ballpoint pens, pencils, marker markers, erasers, and laser pens.


The indispensable office equipment is the Folder/cover clip. This is an item used to hold important files and documents. Not only that, but they also help to classify and organize all documents more neatly and scientifically.

Especially in customer meetings or negotiations, signing contracts, folders and folders are even more indispensable. It is also one of the most minimal items to create professionalism in the office.


Books for those who work in the administrative and human resources department, accounting are indispensable items. Books include invoices, receipts, and payments, salary books, warehouse receipts, etc. Office books are also used to record important issues that need attention, easy to carry with people…

Some necessary office machines (equipment)

Some necessary office machines (equipment)


This is an extremely necessary modern office equipment, used for plastic injection, plastic injection of important papers and documents. Office laminators play a very important role. It helps preserve documents from rotting, tearing, fading, fading information over time.

The types of papers and office records are relatively many. And it will be inconvenient when you have to bring them to the copier for plastic injection. Equipping a plastic laminator in the room will help complete the job quickly and efficiently. Thereby saving time, saving costs in the long run for businesses.

Printer, photocopier, scanner

In the list of necessary office equipment are printers, photocopiers, scanners, especially business and trading businesses. Printers are used when there is a need for certification documents, invoices, records, contracts, etc. Photocopiers are used to copy documents for important meetings. Or the necessary documents circulated in the company. The scanner is used to store and send important information about certificates, contracts, etc.


A timekeeper is a device that records the arrival and departure times of each employee in the company. It supports those who manage time accurately. This type of machine is widely used in offices, factories, factories, factories, etc.

Document Shredder

This machine is used to cut paper into small pieces. The purpose is to destroy manuscripts, documents containing important information, business secrets of the company.

Cash register

Cash counters are also on the list of required office equipment. The machine is used to count the currencies in the transaction most accurately and efficiently. Moreover, the money counter also has the function of detecting counterfeit money. This ensures the safety and interests of the business in doing business.

For banks, the installation of cash counters is the most important thing. Because this device will help the bank to accurately inventory the number of transactions each day. At the same time, save time and bring higher work efficiency.
Cash counters are now equipped with the most modern technology. So it is capable of counting many different currencies, including foreign currencies. Money counters with diverse features such as detecting counterfeit money, detecting bills of other denominations, etc. are extremely useful.

Some other necessary office equipment

To have the most favorable and productive working environment, other items such as desks, chairs, computers, cabinets, etc. are essential. Currently, these products are widely sold in the market. With a variety of designs, models, and functions to suit each office structure and use needs.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


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Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Monday, October 4, 2021

Covid-19 Pandemic: Virtual Office Crowned

Covid-19 Pandemic: Virtual Office Crowned -

How should the concepts of flexible office, co-working, or virtual office be understood and what is the flexibility that the office market is aiming for during the covid-19 pandemic?


Savills predicts that by 2024, millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996) will make up 75% of the workforce, and options for working from home, office design, and add-ons for the office are attractive concepts.

The Real Estate Market Overview report in the first quarter of 2021 shows that the Hanoi office sector has positive activities, the office supply in the first quarter of 2021 is over 2 million m2, up 3% QoQ and 10% YoY with occupancy remaining stable at 89%.

Notably, this sector also recorded changes to keep up with the trend of office use in the world, including changing demand for flexible offices, shared offices (co-working and co-working offices), and virtual offices.
Different from traditional office designs with fixed seating areas and limited co-working areas, many companies now require flexibility in office design to create opportunities for collaboration and communication between personnel or departments.

Business tenants want to work in a comfortable environment, providing all essential amenities with the most basic elements integrated into the same space.
Another notable point of the office market during and after the Covid-19 pandemic is the interest in co-working offices.

Ms. Hoang Nguyet Minh, Director of Commercial Leasing, Savills Hanoi, said that co-working is a trend suitable for young people who prefer to work outside, in places where the working environment is more flexible.

The reason this model is attractive is that co-working allows them to choose to work independently in their own space or chat, exchange, and share ideas with like-minded people.

However, co-working also has certain limitations compared to the traditional office model.



The co-working segment is especially suitable for start-ups or freelancers. However, businesses with more than 30 employees will pay more attention to creating corporate culture, instead of focusing on flexibility in seating.

Co-woking is favorable for flexibility, but cannot support building a company culture, so this model is not suitable for companies with long-term plans.

Currently, Grade B and C offices are reaching the highest occupancy rates in the market, partly because many businesses need a large office model, ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 square meters of floor space.

They often choose buildings with a reasonable and affordable rental budget so that they can have the cost of re-investing in the interior, changing the working model to suit the company culture.

The co-working developers themselves also realize that with the current model, they will It is difficult to support businesses to build culture, so they are also considering an adjustment plan in the direction of serving large enterprises, businesses consider the issue of increasing or decreasing the rented area. This is also one of the issues that businesses developing co-working spaces are having to balance.

On the other hand, the Covid-19 pandemic has made the emergence of a niche segment of the office market that is virtual offices.
Virtual office providers help tenants register an official address in their building with services such as receiving mail, providing meeting rooms when needed.

Businesses using the service just need to register an office address and work anywhere. However, Savills currently does not encourage the virtual office model because of unclear legal grounds.
Currently, there is no clear legal basis for setting up virtual offices while businesses do not have physical seats or specific lease contracts but only need an address to register their business, register their name business domain.

Businesses using this model will often rent by the month or pay rent according to the number of days sitting at the office. Therefore, it is the responsibility of companies that provide virtual office services to receive the reports of the rental companies and keep in touch.

With certain flexibility, this model will only be suitable for start-ups or newcomers to the Vietnamese market.

It can be said that thanks to their flexibility, current alternative office models are suitable for certain customers such as freelancers, start-ups, small or new businesses set foot to learn the Vietnamese market.

For medium and large enterprises, traditional offices are still the preferred choice.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


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Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Service For Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting License

Service For Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting License -

The Certificate of Fire Prevention and Fighting is one of the mandatory licenses for individuals and organizations operating in industries that are prone to fire and explosion, such as manufacturing facilities, commercial centers, residential areas, karaoke bars… and especially offices.

Cases in which a Certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting facilities must be applied for

Cases in which a Certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting facilities must be applied for
Enterprises must apply for a Certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting in the following cases:

  • Projects on planning for new construction or urban renovation of all kinds projects on new construction or renovation of works in technical infrastructure related to fire prevention and fighting;
  • Collective houses, apartment buildings with 5 floors or more, other houses with 7 floors or more;
  • Hospitals and sanatoriums at the district level or higher; general medical examination and treatment establishments with 25 beds or more; specialized medical examination and treatment establishments with 10 beds or more.
  • Schools, educational institutions with 3 floors or more, kindergartens and kindergartens with 100 children or more.
  • Solid and semi-permanent markets at the district level or higher; Trade centers, supermarkets, and department stores have a total booth area of ​​300m3 or more.
  • Theaters, cinemas, halls, cultural houses, stadiums, sports halls with 200 seats or more; discos, clubs, and other public buildings with a volume of 1,000 m3 or more.
  • Hotels, guest houses, motels, inns with 5 floors or more;
  • Petrol and liquefied petroleum gas stores.

Conditions for applying for a fire prevention and fighting license:

The law specifically stipulates the conditions for applying for a certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting for each type, but basically, it is necessary to meet the following conditions:

There should be appropriate regulations, rules, signboards, or records on fire fighting, and escape.

It is necessary to have regulations and assign fire protection responsibilities to individuals in the facility.

Electrical system, lightning protection; equipment using electricity, generating heat, generating fire, etc… must ensure absolute safety in terms of fire fighting.

There is a complete and appropriate technical and safety process on fire prevention and fighting.

There should be a grassroots fire protection force, trained.

An application file for a fire prevention and fighting license includes:

An application file for a fire prevention and fighting license includes:

  1. An application form for a certificate of fire prevention and fighting, made according to form PC5
  2. A copy of the certificate of approval for fire fighting and the written acceptance of fire fighting for new construction or renovation establishments, motor vehicles with special requirements for ensuring safety in fire fire fighting when building or converting, or a copy of the record of safety inspection on fire prevention and fighting for other facilities and motor vehicles;
  3. The list of fire prevention and fighting means of life-saving equipment equipped according to the form PC6;
  4. The decision to establish the grassroots fire fighting team together with the list of people who have been trained in fire fighting;
  5. Fire-fighting plan.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Monday, September 27, 2021

Things to Know When Renting an Office in District 9

Things to Know When Renting an Office in District 9 -

As the connecting gateway of the whole Southern region, District 9 is attracting the attention of real estate investors. So how does the District currently have traffic infrastructure, utilities, and real estate market?

Geographical location, traffic plan in District 9

Geographical location, traffic plan in District 9
According to the city’s master plan, District 9 has a total area of ​​11,389.62 hectares. Located to the east of the city, District 9 borders Dong Nai province and is bordered by the Dong Nai River.

District 9 has three main core areas, including:

  • Regional multi-purpose commercial and service center area: about 93 hectares in Long Binh ward
  • Trade and Service Center Area in the East of the city: about 140 hectares in Truong Thanh and Long Truong wards
  • The residential area and administrative center of the district: scale about 136 ha in Truong Thanh ward and Long Truong ward

The city has spent 250,000 billion VND to develop transport infrastructure in District 9. The traffic planning here is connected throughout with 1 type: road, waterway, railway, aviation. District 9 is connected by the existing Hanoi Highway, Long Thanh – Dau Giay Expressway was put into operation in early 2014, supporting traffic in this area to become more convenient.
From here, residents can only move within 15 minutes to Phu My Hung center via Phu My bridge, about 20 minutes via Thu Thiem tunnel or Hanoi Highway connecting immediately to the center of District 1. In addition, From there to Vung Tau is only 1 hour and 20 minutes, connecting to Phu My industrial park only takes 45 minutes. In addition, the Ring Road 3 (My Phuoc – Tan Van – Nhon Trach) will help traffic from Ho Chi Minh City, new Binh Duong – City, Ho Chi Minh – City, Nhon Trach is transparent.

Utilities in District 9

Utilities in District 9

The system of education, culture, entertainment, and important functional areas in District 9 is formed in a methodical way such as the Long Phuoc University Education and Training Area, the National University of Ho Chi Minh City, Phu Huu Port, Suoi Tien Tourist Area, and National Cultural History Park.

City-level gymnastics and multi-purpose sports training areas in residential areas are also fully arranged here. Residents easily move to Rach Chiec sports center (District 2).

District 9 also focuses on building several large-scale concentrated ecological park areas (Long Phuoc ward, Long Binh ward, Truong Thanh Ward, and Long Truong ward) to ensure the target of green trees at 7-8m2/ people.
Notably, District 9 is also home to the world’s leading corporations such as Japan, Korea, France, the United States, etc., large electronic corporations in the high-tech park of Samsung, Intel, Jabil, etc. invest and expand the factory here.

In addition, outstanding facilities in District 9 can be mentioned as:

  • Vuon Co tourist area (Long Thanh My ward)
  • Bung Sau Commune relic area (Long Truong ward, Phu Huu ward)
  • Ethnic cultural and historical work zone (Long Binh ward)
  • New Eastern Bus Station
  • New University Village of the city. Ho Chi Minh
  • City-level sports area: Thu Duc Golf Course
  • 7C Hospital, 500-bed sanatorium in Long Truong ward
  • Facility 2 of Ho Chi Minh City Oncology Hospital
  • Tam Da Lotus Lagoon
  • The BCR . tourist area
  • Fairy Stream
  • Nhan Van Bookstore

The development of transportation infrastructure, being located next to a technology park that attracts foreign corporations, plus the advantage of being located near District 2 are the reasons why real estate in District 9 has increased in price in recent years quickly.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

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Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Are Virtual Offices Legal

Are Virtual Offices Legal -

Does the word “virtual” in “virtual office” make you a little skeptical about this service? Although they have been present for a long time in the market and are interested in many customers, some businesses are still not sure about the legality of virtual offices.

What are virtual offices?

What are virtual offices?
Virtual office (also known as a virtual office) is a term used to refer to a place where businesses/individuals rent to set up business license registration addresses and representative offices to contact customers, not A place for employees to come and go to work. The virtual office is provided with full services like a business company: address for business license registration, a place to exchange documents, and transact with customers, …

Are virtual offices legal?

According to the Enterprise Code, “enterprise” is an economic organization with its own name, stable transaction office, and registered assets to conduct business activities.

The Enterprise Law also provides regulations on transaction offices, specifically: the head office must be located in the territory of Vietnam; has an identified address, including house number, name of commune, ward, province/city, and must be notified to the business registration office

The Law on Enterprises does not stipulate how many businesses can be located at one location, and the business registration agency itself cannot control whether the enterprise actually operates at the registered office or not…

Currently, there is no legal content that prohibits businesses from renting virtual offices to operate as headquarters. Based on the laws that the State provides above, the virtual office still fully meets the requirements of a legal business.

The legality of virtual office services

The legality of virtual office services

According to the Enterprise Law, there are no regulations that require the business address to be a place of work and how many square meters it must have. At the same time, up to this point, there is no decree prohibiting businesses from providing virtual office services… That means this service is still operating normally and not against the law.
Whether a real office or a “virtual office”, a legal entity still has a real person! Who is the legal representative? Who is responsible for the operation of the business? Does the governing body find a way to manage people? The emergence of new patterns is the evolution of modern society.
The rental of a virtual office is considered as the fact that you rent a real address to register a business license and carry out business activities of an enterprise in which your business fully meets the reasonable procedures of the company. a company so that this is a legal form with the law.

Notes when choosing a virtual office rental service

Virtual office rental services are being chosen by many businesses, so today this type of service is developing very quickly. However, because the law still does not have a clear regulation on this model, when using the service, businesses need to pay attention to the following notes:

– To ensure credibility and safety in the process of using the service, you should learn carefully and carefully about the companies that provide virtual office services. It is advisable to look for companies that have been around for a long time and have a brand name in the market to ensure their credibility and safety during service use.

– In the process of being consulted and supported by staff, businesses should consider and understand what is being communicated.

– The fact that the enterprise has a legal business registration address means that the business is real, so the enterprise should fulfill its financial obligations to the State in full.

Thus, a virtual office is still accepted when registering to establish a business and legally. Virtual office saves up to 80% of costs compared to an office headquarters. This is a smart office solution that helps users save a lot of costs while maintaining business opportunities and corporate image at the most professional level.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

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Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Monday, September 20, 2021

Beware of Scams When Renting an Office

Beware of scams when renting an office -

Beware of some scams from untrustworthy office tenants. So what are the tricks to avoid scams when renting an office that businesses need to be protected?

Beware of scams to avoid losing money when renting an office

Beware of scams to avoid losing money when renting an office
If finding satisfactory office space has inherently made businesses a headache because they have to consider many factors such as location, cost, space, etc., in addition, businesses also need to pay attention. Beware of some scams from untrustworthy office tenants. So what are the tricks to scam money when renting an office that businesses need to be wary of and how to overcome them?

Sophisticated money scam

There are many sophisticated ways to scam money when renting an office that businesses can fall into. For example, unclear rental agreement information leads to ongoing and higher-than-expected fees. Raise the discount far from reality to entice businesses to sign contracts. Only then discovered the truth, pretending to be the owner…

These are all ways that have been going on for a long time, but sometimes businesses still suffer. Causing significant financial losses. If unfortunately encountering these cases, the business will have to spend money that is not in the plan. Or known in advance as brokerage fees, office maintenance fees such as cleaning fees, security fees, building maintenance fees, etc. Even having to leave that office to find a new office is also known. like losing the extra deposit. In fact, many businesses have encountered these tactics and suffered from resentment. Especially small businesses with little experience in finding office space.

How to avoid “money lost disability” scams

How to avoid "money lost disability" scams

The best way for businesses to avoid annoying problems and waste money when renting an office. That is to find a reputable office rental service. Most of these units have a team of consultants with good expertise and long experience. Will help businesses find the right office.

Not only that, but a reputable office leasing unit also has an extensive office system. With a variety of types to help businesses easily choose. With professional services, businesses will not have to worry about issues such as documents, contracts, incurred costs… Because it’s all made clear from the start. It can be said that choosing an office rental and management service provider is an optimal solution. For businesses to avoid unwanted problems.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

4 Legal Procedures to Do When Renting an Office

4 Legal Procedures to Do When Renting an Office -

You are about to rent an office but do not know the procedures to follow. All legal procedures to be done when renting an office will be provided in detail in this article.


The office lease agreement is a necessary legal procedure to do as soon as your business prepares to move to a new office.

The office lease contract is a document consisting of 2 legal entities, one is the lessee and the other is the office leasing unit, recording the regulations and bindings between the two parties during the rental of the office space out.

This contract needs to be agreed upon by both parties and checked by a lawyer or a person with legal knowledge, possibly the company’s legal counsel. This contract will be made in 2 copies, each party keeps one copy and has the same legal validity.

In the process of making an office lease contract, you need to pay attention to the rental price, the validity of the contract, the responsibilities of the lessee and the lessor, etc.
Note that the office lease contract signed by both parties as legal entities does not have to be notarized. In case a company rents a house from an individual, not a business for a term of 6 months or more, it must register with the management agency and need to be notarized or authenticated.


After the office lease period expires, it means that the previous office lease contract has expired. At this time, your company needs to carry out procedures to liquidate the office lease contract.
This agreement can also arise when either party does not lease or does not need to rent the office anymore. If before the expiration of the contract, these minutes will contain the content agreed between the two parties on the obligations and responsibilities to return the premises, and compensate the contract if any. Based on the previously created office lease.


In addition to the lease contract, you should also be aware of legal documents proving the ownership of the building owner, or the legal use certificate of the lessor.
This is to ensure that you are renting an office from the correct owner or a business that has the legal right to lease office space. Limit the troubles arising later in the rental process such as:

Avoid disputes with third parties when renting an office
Being scammed, renting an office that is not right for the investor/unit that can exploit the building’s office rental service


In case you want to transfer or sublease the office because the contract period has not expired, or you can’t fill the leased area and want to sublease part of the office, please make sure you have agreed and approved. agreement of the owner of the building or the unit leasing the office to you.

For the sublease to be legal, you can note that your company has the right to sublease the office or the right to freely use the office for leasing and without affecting the interests of the owner’s investment.
In the lease agreement, loosen the binding terms and obligations related to this matter to serve your business or office sharing. It will bring benefits and avoid future troubles.

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News

Monday, September 13, 2021

Practical Experience When Renting an Office

Practical Experience When Renting an Office -

Here is a general practice office rental experience for you when renting an office.

Step 1: Experience when determining the demand for office rental

Step 1: Experience when determining the demand for office rental
1.Determine the rental option, there are 4 options for you to choose based on the cost:

– Villa rental: Very expensive, cost > 35 million or more

– Renting an office building: Depending on the area, the rental price is from 150k / m2 or more, advantages: professional, good security

– Rent a private house: Street house > 20 million, masterpiece house from 10 to 15 million.

-Rent an apartment: Usually a nice apartment and can be used as an office for more than 7 million.

Depending on your needs, you can choose the right type of real estate:

You want to be professional => rent an office building.

You want cheap prices, comfortable hours => rent an apartment

You want to combine business => rent a private house

You have a lot of money and need a better space: rent a villa

2. Area you need?

The standard area for an average employee is 4m2/person. If your company has 10 people, the optimal area is 40 m2. However, you need to pay attention to the future expansion of the company to choose the appropriate rental area.

3. What area is the location in?

Depending on the field of operation of the company, choose an appropriate location, convenient for transactions. It is necessary to consider when renting an office in the streets where traffic jams often occur and car parking is prohibited.

4. How many years will you rent?

It is necessary to determine the appropriate rental period to avoid losing the deposit when returning the office before the due date

Step 2: How to search for an office

There are many ways to find an office to rent in the desired area, such as driving around the streets to find it or asking a loved one to find it for you. But those methods are often time-consuming and inefficient. According to my office rental experience, the best way is to go to Google and find a professional office rental service company. They will provide you with all the information you need from the name of the building, the available space, the office rent, the pros and cons of each building.

Step 3: Choosing and negotiating experience

Step 3: Choosing and negotiating experience
Issues to consider when choosing and negotiating office lease contracts

  • Rented area: Note that many landlords include the area of ​​the toilet and the hallway.
  • Rent: Not yet negotiated, if you really like it, then calculate.
  • Electricity: In Da Nang on average, people collect 3,300 VND / 1 number, the highest is 4,000 VND
  • Water fee: Renting an office is usually 150,000 VND/month. Some buildings are free including water bills
  • Air-conditioner: If the office prioritizes ceiling-mounted air conditioning (must see it old and new to evaluate)
  • Toilet: The toilet should be separate to create more privacy and comfort.
  • Working hours: All offices work from Monday to Saturday (if you need to work on Sunday, we can talk)
  • Parking space: usually each place will be free for a few installations, the easiest to calculate is to divide the average parking area by the number of floors of the building.
  • Deposit (preferably only 01-month deposit).
  • Payment term (usually will be 03 months).
  • Facing the house (avoid the west because it is very hot and costs a lot of electricity)
  • Does the rental price include VAT or not?
  • For how long to set up (Usually 7 to 10 days)

For a beautiful office like this, let’s close:

  • The area is suitable for demand for at least 2-3 years.
  • Rent the whole 1 floor (better than many companies renting 1 floor)
  • Outside toilet
  • Ceiling-mounted air conditioner (industrial air conditioner)
  • With hydraulic glass door
  • Good price is about 160k to 180k that is the price of grade C.
  • The house does not stick to the west
  • Daylight does not need to turn on electricity (for saving)
  • Comfortable parking space or around there is a place to park and park a car.
  • That street has an easy-to-find house number that is not numbered.

When viewing contracts, pay attention to:

  • Deposit amount, deposit time.
  • Price increase: in Da Nang usually 2 years increase by 10%
  • Payment period: usually pay quarterly or once every 6 months
  • Guaranteed to rent long-term or not? If the lessor cuts the contract, what will happen (usually pay 2 months’ rent and 2 months notice – this is too little compared to the amount I set up).

For Foreign companies that want to start or expand businesses and look for an office in Vietnam:


We offer a free consultation to support you to find a suitable Office For lease In Ho Chi Minh:

Phone: (+84) 398 716 459 – Available via Whatsapp/ Viber/ Zalo




Office For Lease at LOOKOFFICE


Read Vietnam Economy Weekly News